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Company mining flameproof displacement sensor for mining products safety mark MA certificate


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Company mining flameproof displacement sensor for mining products safety mark MA certificate

  • Categories:Company news
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  • Time of issue:2019-02-05 11:14
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(Summary description)  Recently, the company's mining type flameproof displacement sensor through the Anbiao National Mine Product Safety Marking Center testing, obtained the "Mine Product Safety Marking MA certificate", which indicates that Tebeifu mining products have reached the State Administration of Work Safety and Explosion-proof requirements.   Mining products safety sign authentication, is aimed at into coal mining, transportation, mining, supporting, safety monitoring system, communication system using a device such as a special management system of market access, all into the coal mine equipment involved in coal mine, mine safety products to obtain AnBiao certification, may well use, producers must also be certified to produce.   After obtaining the safety certificate, our company can provide comprehensive solutions of flameproof displacement sensors for mining, and provide a variety of solutions for customers to choose according to the characteristics of different customers. To provide perfect explosion-proof shell design and overall layout design services, to help customers better meet the relevant standards of coal mine requirements, can provide mine hoist, hydraulic support, emulsion pump station and other underground coal mine equipment mature application scheme.

Company mining flameproof displacement sensor for mining products safety mark MA certificate

(Summary description)  Recently, the company's mining type flameproof displacement sensor through the Anbiao National Mine Product Safety Marking Center testing, obtained the "Mine Product Safety Marking MA certificate", which indicates that Tebeifu mining products have reached the State Administration of Work Safety and Explosion-proof requirements.

  Mining products safety sign authentication, is aimed at into coal mining, transportation, mining, supporting, safety monitoring system, communication system using a device such as a special management system of market access, all into the coal mine equipment involved in coal mine, mine safety products to obtain AnBiao certification, may well use, producers must also be certified to produce.

  After obtaining the safety certificate, our company can provide comprehensive solutions of flameproof displacement sensors for mining, and provide a variety of solutions for customers to choose according to the characteristics of different customers. To provide perfect explosion-proof shell design and overall layout design services, to help customers better meet the relevant standards of coal mine requirements, can provide mine hoist, hydraulic support, emulsion pump station and other underground coal mine equipment mature application scheme.

  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-02-05 11:14
  • Views:

  Recently, the company's mining type flameproof displacement sensor through the Anbiao National Mine Product Safety Marking Center testing, obtained the "Mine Product Safety Marking MA certificate", which indicates that Tebeifu mining products have reached the State Administration of Work Safety and Explosion-proof requirements.

  Mining products safety sign authentication, is aimed at into coal mining, transportation, mining, supporting, safety monitoring system, communication system using a device such as a special management system of market access, all into the coal mine equipment involved in coal mine, mine safety products to obtain AnBiao certification, may well use, producers must also be certified to produce.

  After obtaining the safety certificate, our company can provide comprehensive solutions of flameproof displacement sensors for mining, and provide a variety of solutions for customers to choose according to the characteristics of different customers. To provide perfect explosion-proof shell design and overall layout design services, to help customers better meet the relevant standards of coal mine requirements, can provide mine hoist, hydraulic support, emulsion pump station and other underground coal mine equipment mature application scheme.



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